Saturday, May 10, 2008

Suicide Reports from Stress..

In most of the researches conducted in the US it has been concluded that after few major diseases known it is suicide which can also cause a person to take a harsh step to end his life. In today's hectic life stress has grown up everywhere. Hectic hours in office, syllbaus burden in schools, high pressure life of housewives and other problems are there in the society which are multiplying the stress amount. The drawbacks of stress are really very harmful if not taken care in the primary stage. So many hospitals have built which give counselling to the people suffering with high stress problems. But this is a social problem. Hospitals can give you counselling but its you only who has to develop a feeling of security and not doing anything wrong. There are many people around you who are attached with your life. If you do any thing wrong then it will be a great loss for others also.
The suicide tendency should be ceased by thinking about those who lacks even basic requirements of their life. Those people who do not have much in their life to loose but then also living their life happily. If one starts thinking those who are lower than themselves other than those who are richer than then that most of the problems can get sorted out. As most of the problems arise only when one starts comparing himself with others.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Laughing a lot means relief from your stess

It's a well known fact that it akes more effort to get frown as compared to laughing. So why try more on the worse thing. One should try to laugh more as it not only improves the face value but also does many wonders. It helps in the your lungs working good. The benefits of a belly laugh
Laughter's benefits on your health are no joke. A sense of humor can't cure all ailments, but data are mounting about the things that laughter can do.
Here are a few tips to get you started:Practice laughing 5 minutes every day. Fake it till you make it.Laugh with other people when they laugh.Wear a smile. It puts you closer to laughing.Seek out entertainment that makes you laugh. Wave to yourself in the mirror. Every time you pass a mirror, give yourself a little wave and a smile. Do at least one silly, non-conforming thing a day. Practice these tips often and soon you will find you have developed a new healthy habit. Keep laughing, pass it on to everyone you meet. We can never laugh too often or too much.