Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Few Stres Relief tips at workplace

Stress Relief tips in the work
Working for hours in office can lead to stress in one's life. The stress could be mental or physical or can be both. If the stress continues for a long time then can affect one's efficiency in the work. So it is advised to take preventive measures to reduce the stress. Few of the steps are below:

(1)Leave the work place for few minutes at regular intervals. Try to remove your attention from your workplace for sometime. Completely detach yourself from
the work during that time. Go for a walk daily if not long then at least for 10 minutes
(2)Do some deep breathing practices to make yourself calmer.
(3)Do stretching of your body. For this you can stand on your foot and do some movements. Otherwise you can do this while sitting also.
(4)Have at least 8 glasses of water daily. As water is very good in flushing off the toxins from your body and helps in distressing yourself.
(5)You can go for a spa or message treatment for while to relax yourself.
(6)Have herbal tea. Drinking Herbal teas have cooling effects on your mind and body.
(7)Play some music of your choice on your work station. Music has very strong impact on changing one's state of mind.
(8) Try practicing yoga in your daily routine. Few minutes of some breathing practices like pranayam can do the wonders.
(9) Wear comfortable and loops clothes at your workplace.
(10)At last try not to forget yourself for rewarding on your efforts you made to reduce your stress.

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